1·It grows from cow manure, they pick it out, wipe it off.
2·The thermophilic anaerobic digestion of cow manure wastewater was the kernel part of this paper.
3·On our plot all was well blanketed in rich cow manure the chard standing idle waiting for the warmth of the sun.
4·The footage Ahn brought out was shocking: filthy, barefoot children scavenging for food, picking kernels of corn from cow manure.
5·The result indicated that layer faeces and cow manure diversely affected the photosynthesis of wheat in different stages of growth.
6·We carried on and fell into many puddles knee deep, filling our wellies with muddy brown water and cow manure, not a great combination.
7·Therefore, it is necessary to further improve the decline of pathogen numbers during anaerobic digestion of the small cow manure digesters.
8·Green Bay 21, 'da Bears,' 17. Hey, I understand my, uh, dad has you working the cow barn already, shoveling cow manure. Welcome to the Casey farm.
9·You act as though other nations that haveassisted China in one way or another did so purely out of the kindness of theirhearts which is basically a heap of cow manure.
10·"The two scariest examples were human stool samples stored in the same refrigerator as employee lunches," she says, "and cow manure samples refrigerated next to food items."